Friday, October 20, 2017

Dear Prayer Partners,

I Will Build My Church: This truth often brings me great comfort as I ponder the fact that Jesus Christ is ultimately responsible for building His Church; our responsibility is simply to be faithful.  This past month we began the physcial building process for our church. We had saved up our offerings for nearly 3 years, and the Lord enabled us to purchase a piece of land and take the first step in our building process.  It was a great blessing to see how the church family gave of their time, resources, and energy to build.  Some gave bricks, others donated and prepared food for those who built, but all worked together. By the end of September we were able to dig and lay the stone for the foundation, set the columns, and lay nearly 4 feet of brick. We are now in the phase of praying, giving, and saving so we can complete the roof.  Please pray with us that God would provide for us as a church family, so that we may be able to give joyfully and sacrificially to His work. I know that many of you would like to contribute to this building, and although we are thankful, we are not accepting donations for the building process, so that we can plant an indigenous  church which is not dependent on outside funds.
Youth Conference: In the midst of an already busy September, God allowed us to be involved in the annual week of youth camp.  This year over 400 young people from the surrounding churches came for 6 days of preaching, singing, and fellowshiping. During that time, many decisions for Christ were made. Please pray that the Word of God continues to bear fruit and is not choked out by the god of this world, the trials of this world, nor the cares of this world.
Permits: We are rejoicing because just this week, God enabled us to pay for our new 2 year residence permit.  This year the process has been long, complicated, and costly.  Unfortunately, Tanzania has enacted a new law that limits foreigners to a maximum of 5 years in country.  Please pray with us as we seek an exemption from this law. If no exemption is granted, our time in Tanzania will be limited.

Together for His Glory,

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