Saturday, April 29, 2017

Resurrection Message

“Raised to walk in newness of life” The week of Easter was filled with a flurry of activities, including a youth Easter Bible Conference, Lord Supper services on Good Friday, much discipleship, hospital visits, and evangelism.  But the capstone of the week was, without a doubt, the Easter morning baptismal service! What a delight to stand with 7 new believers as they proclaimed their faith in Jesus Christ by way of believers’ baptism!  Also, it was a special delight to baptize my daughter Erin.  From left to right  is Bibi Humay, Mama Mary, Irene, Mama Nada, Victoria, Mama Queeni, and in front is Erin. Please be in prayer for each of these young Christians, that they would indeed walk in newness of life, and that they would continue to know and love Christ more and more!
“If the Salt has Lost His Savour”-Just last week we enjoyed a week of S.A.L.T. (Serving And Living in TZ)- SALT is a yearly Bible conference for Baptist missionary families serving in Tanzania. It is a highlight of the year for our entire family. The children, youth, and adults all have separate tracks. What a blessing for us to get away from the challenges of ministry and life in Tanzania for a few days and enjoy fellowship, activities, singing, and preaching all in English.  We want to especially thank Canton Baptist Temple and Pastor Mike Frazier for their ministry to us this year, as well as to Steve and Natalie Burkholder for their work in organizing SALT.
Two Prayer Requests: Lord willing, in a little over a year we will be returning to the States for a furlough after 4 years on the field.  There is much to do in preparation for our church to be able to stand firm while we will be gone. Please pray for wisdom for us as we seek to prepare Ema and the rest of our church family for that time. Also, our partners, the Myers family, will be returning to the States permanently in just two days time. Please pray for them as they transition into a new phase of ministry; also, please pray that God would give us partners in this work.  Truly, we see the wisdom of Solomon when he said, “Two are better than one”.

Together for His Glory,

Aaron & Nicole Shipe