Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Flat Tire Blessings

Rodney and I had been visiting in the village of Ndatu for a few hours yesterday and were just planning on jumping on his motorcycle and riding for home. As we were walking towards our bike, a new friend named Baba Elia noticed that our rear tire was flat. We had planned on being home within the next few minutes, but that all changed with this news. Thankfully, we had parked not 30 feet from a small Duka (shop) that specialized in motorcycle parts for the numerous motorcycles that ferry villagers up and down Mt. Meru to and from the local market. As we settled on the slab of wood for a bench outside the duka, we were able to engage several people in conversation. One particular older gentleman named James spent about 30-40 minutes conversing with me in my unrefined Swahili. Of all the practice I did that day, this unexpected delay turned out to be some of the most valuable of all. Although it was getting dark by the time we arrived home, it was exciting to see God's blessing in the interruptions of our lives.

Thank you for your prayers for us. Please pray for me as I venture to preach some of this Sunday's message in Swahili.

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