Dear Prayer Partners,
This morning at language school outside of Denver, CO, I had the privilege of hiking to the 9,063 foot summit of Mt. Herman with two fellow missionaries. While gazing out from the summit in the early morning, with the sun just peeking above the horizon, we sang together I Sing the Mighty Power of God. The second verse says, “while all that borrows life from Thee is ever in Thy care and everywhere that man can be Thou God art present there.” What a delight it is to remember that we are “ever” in the care of our loving Father, and to know that no matter where it is God leads us—whether in our neighborhood or around the world in some foreign country—God’s care and power are not diminished! He remains the Almighty God no matter when or where we roam.
As we look towards Tanzania, it feels many days like we are on a train that is rapidly gaining steam. Truly things are progressing as we prepare to move to Tanzania this fall. Our support has reached 90%, the children’s passports are being processed, and the next 3 years of homeschooling curriculum has been purchased and packed. Beginning August 17th, I will be traveling to Tanzania for two weeks seeking to purchase a reliable vehicle, arrange housing for the first year, and acquire resident visas from the Tanzanian government. I also hope to discern whether it would be more cost effective to send a container or purchase all items in country. As you can see, much has been accomplished, but much still remains to be done. We truly thank you for your labors in prayer for us, and covet them now more than ever.
1. For several great meetings and increased support!
2. For safety in our travels!
3. For 4 professions of faith!
4. For growth in our efforts to learn Swahili!
5. For increased interest in our home.
Prayer Requests:
1. For the TZ government to grant us resident visas.
2. For wisdom about 2 acres of land that has been made available to our teammates very near the Datooga.
3. For our home to sell.
4. For the remaining 10% of our support.
5. For a Tanzania woman who will come along-side my wife in that first year to help her learn the language and the culture.